Staiir Social Media Marketing

How to Find the Right Hashtags for Your Profile

How to find right hashtags for your profile

From following hashtags to adding them to your Instagram Stories, we’re showing you all of the new ways that you can use Instagram hashtags to help you grow your brand this year, as well as sharing helpful hashtag tips to ensure that you’re using hashtags strategically to meet your marketing goals!

The rules for Instagram hashtags have changed.

It’s a brand new year and like almost everything else related to Instagram, best practices that worked in the past just aren’t as effective anymore.

Here are the new rules for Instagram hashtags in 2020, and how you can find the right hashtags to use for your profile:



In 2020, Keeping Your Instagram Hashtags Relevant is More Important Than Ever

Instagram Hasthags

Instagram recently rolled out the ability to follow hashtags which means that instead of a user having to search for an Instagram hashtag and scroll through an endless feed to (hopefully) land on your content, your posts could now show up automatically in the feeds of potential new followers.

While Instagram’s algorithm has always favored the use of specific and relevant hashtags, this new feature makes using hashtags that make sense an even bigger deal.



Switch Up Your Instagram Hashtags in Every Post to Avoid “Spammy” Behavior

Rules of Instagram Hashtags

During all of the chaos surrounding the shadowban, one thing became clear– you can no longer just copy and paste the exact same list of Instagram hashtags into every single post and call it a day.

In fact, doing so might be seen as spam by the Instagram algorithm and could affect your post’s visibility, which is why the new rules for Instagram hashtags include switching up your hashtags for each post.

I have followed many Instagram Experts and learned few things which I am sharing here.

They said, to avoid gimmicky tags such as #likeforlike as well as hashtags that have been used a million or more times. While these tags might get you a few extra likes, they aren’t going to help you grow a highly engaged, targeted following.

Next, choose tags that describe your account, your business, and your target market. For example, Little Spoon is a delivery baby food company whose target market is expecting moms and parents with small children.

The account uses hashtags to describe it’s product and business like #littlespoon, #babyblends, #freshbabyfood and #organicbabyfood as well as its own branded campaign hashtags like #itsfreshbaby and #nomoreoldbabyfood

It also uses hashtags which describe its ideal customer like #babyfoodie, #girlmom, #boymom, and #babyontheway, along with community hashtags for parents like #motherhoodunplugged, #letthembelittle, and #dailyparenting.

By following hashtags related to your industry, you’ll be able to gather these new suggestions (deemed by Instagram as highly relevant) and add them into your posts!


Business Profiles Can Track Instagram Hashtag Success with Post Insights

Instagram hashtags on stories

Those who’ve switched to a business profile not only have the ability to check on how their accounts are growing over time with Instagram’s analytics, but they can also analyze how individual posts are performing and compare the specific results from each.

What does this mean for you?

You’ll be able to see exactly how effective your posts are at attracting a new audience, based on impressions from various sources– including your Instagram hashtags! Having access to these insights can help you to continuously optimize your hashtag strategy.

To access this information, select the post you want to get more detailed analytics on and hit View Insights on the bottom left. Swipe up to see the full page of data for that post, including things like reach, impressions, and interestingly enough– how the people who viewed your post found you.

Trending posts generally take their position within the first 24 hours of posting, so you need it to happen fast.


We at Staiir Social Media Marketing can help you in reaching Top Section of #Hashtags, by boosting your followers, Likes and comments on your posts so that it can reach on top of the Hashtag section instantly.

On a shoestring budget you can gain amazing engagement and potential followers from Top Section of Hashtags .

Try Free Demo!  (Plans starting from INR 50/-)


You Can Now Add Instagram Hashtags to Your Instagram Stories, Too

By using Instagram hashtags within your Instagram Stories, you give your content yet another way to be discovered by a new audience.

If you didn’t know, most Instagram geo-locations and hashtags have their own stories attached to them. While this is an under-utilized Instagram feature, we expect it to become more popular in the coming year as Instagram users get more comfortable with watching and creating stories.

About the author

Harshil is founder of Staiir Social Media Marketing agency. He started his career as a software engineer in 2014 and moved to digital marketing to help small & mid sized businesses grow.
Find him on Twitter @harshil240.