
Staiir Social Media Marketing

Why you should be on Instagram TV ?

Marketing is about reaching customers  to summon an adjustment in their behavior, giving them a CTA (call to action). The best way to really make that move in perception is to be the place where users are connecting with and spending time

Introducing IGTV! Let’s walk through the details:

  • IGTV is an extension of the Instagram app, but you can also download its stand-alone app.
  • You can navigate content via the ‘For You’ and ‘Following’, ‘Popular’, and ‘Continue Watching’ settings.
  • IGTV encourages simple, high-quality content. It’s not made for live streaming.
  • Videos have to be uploaded. They’re full-screen and vertical.
  • Only verified accounts and big accounts can record up to 60 minutes. For now, most people have a limit of 10 minutes.
  • Users can like or comment on videos or send videos to friends in Direct Messaging.
  • Videos on IGTV can also be uploaded to Facebook Watch.
  • No advertising options are available yet, but Instagram says future changes might make this possible.

A recent research by Forrester Research found that Instagram users were 58 times more likely to like, comment, or share a brand’s post than Facebook users and 120 times more likely than Twitter users. All data indicates that users are moving away from Twitter and Facebook and shifting their time to Instagram. This truly proves that Instagram is the best social media platform for companies to reach to users who wants to engage. If you’re not promoting on Instagram, you are missing out many things.  


IGTV presents another open door for brands to extend their audience and develop associations with current followers.. Here are three steps user can advance their long-form vertical video approach for IGTV: 

1) Excite from the beginning: You only have only a few seconds to attract your audience. With that in mind, start your video off with a bang. You can add an engaging, branded introduction to your video content. This way, users will know that they’re going to watch something that’ll pique their interest. Make sure to put in the effort so that users don’t swipe next. 

  2)  Craft polished content Watch the videos from creators who align with your brand’s look and feel. They know how to produce vertical video using tools like Final Cut Pro and iMovie. They’ve been doing this for years and know which video content converts. Once you’ve cut your teeth there, move on to using all those amazing apps available on iOS and Android devices to start filming and editing for IGTV.” . Take advantage by simply uploading your existing library of beautifully produced videos that can now find a new audience. No one can predict what will happen next with social media. But by following trends in video creation and testing out what works for your brand/Profile, you can stay ahead of your competition and retain your audience’s attention and loyalty.   

3) Influencers are key: The most powerful marketing comes from friends, family, someone you follow, or someone you trust–we call these people influencers. To contact the perfect audience for your brand you should interface with and use these influencers. Influencers have crafted and honed their content to grow the following they have. Given the best possible rules, they can make content for an item or thought that will resonate with your followers and will have an long lasting impression.



Buying IGTV Views has the potential to instantly increase your profile visibility and social proof, helping you gain and retain more organic traffic. Optimize can assist you with developing your online nearness rapidly and reasonably, we deal with your development so you can have additional time make connecting with content for your clients and deal with your business all the more freely. Instead of spending thousands of dollars on marketing campaigns and getting minimal results, buying Instagram engagements can be as cheap as ₹30 per post, save you time, and may provide you with the visibility you need to attract real visitors.

To get a free trial and to know more about our Instagram TV Plans: Chat with us